Better Together.
Thank you all for partnership...
Kind notice: In order to collaborate, I invite you to contact at least 3 months before the planned event :)
Manufaktura as a medical events partner:
I'm proud to be a part of medical events and support future generations of doctors under the banner of MANUFAKTURA.
For me, it's a great pleasure to be able to combine my many professional and personal interests! :)
Over the years, MANUFAKTURA has supported many medical projects and industry events! Being a veterinarian, I aware the importance of professional development, gaining knowledge and improving skills. This allows us to create new and even better standards of medical care.
Jako lekarz weterynarii doskonale rozumiem wagę ciągłego rozwoju zawodowego, zdobywania wiedzy i doświadczenia. Jestem niezwykle zadowolony, że poprzez moją działalność mogę wspierać projektowanie weterynaryjne oraz udział w branżowych wydarzeniach. Manufaktura 'ani beee, ani meee' od lat wspiera liczne inicjatywy naukowe. Cieszę się, że mogę również wspierać przyszłe pokolenia lekarzy weterynarii w Polsce. To dla mnie ogromna przyjemność łączyć moje zawodowe i prywatne zainteresowania.
Kind notice:
In order to collaborate, I invite you to contact at least 8 weeks before the planned event :)
I'm proud to be a part of medical events and support future generations of doctors under the banner of MANUFAKTURA.
For me, it's a great pleasure to be able to combine my many professional and personal interests! :)
Over the years, MANUFAKTURA has supported many medical projects as well as industry events! Being a veterinarian, I aware the importance of professional development, gaining knowledge and improving skills. This allows us to create new and even better standards of medical care.
as a medical
events partner: